Wednesday, December 29, 2010

VBScript: Hyper-V VM Status Script

I did a little research on how to start and shutdown a virtual machine via WMI. Below are two links to the classes that control these Hyper-V functions. Using these classes, came up with a script that is basically an interface for starting, stopping, or viewing the status of Hyper-V virtual machines. This should allow someone more control of our Windows Core Hyper-V servers when they lose network connection or they have to shut down all the servers.

Msvm_ComputerSystem Class

Msvm_ShutdownComponent Class

'Script Name: Hyper-V_VM_Status.vbs
'Author: Dean Bunn
'Last Edited: 12/29/10
'Description: Interface for Starting, Stopping, or Viewing Status of Hyper-V Virtual Machines

on error resume next

dim strOption, strHVServer, strVMState, strStatus

''Variable for Hyper-V Server Name..."." is for Local System
strHVServer = "."

''Connect to Hyper-V Server
set WMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strHVServer & "\root\virtualization")

''Error Checking on the Connection to Hyper-V Server
if Err.Number <> 0 then
msgbox "Problem Accessing the Hyper-V Server. The Script will Quit Now" , vbExclamation + vbOkOnly , "Hyper-V VM Status"
end if

''Do Loop to Ease of Use When Starting or Stopping Numerous Systems
''Prompt User: Start, Shutdown, or Status Only
strOption = inputbox("Type an Option:" & VbCrLf & VbCrLf & """Start"" to Start a Virtual Machine" _
& VbCrLf & VbCrLf & """Stop"" to Shutdown a Virtual Machine" & VbCrLf & VbCrLf _
& """Status"" to View Status Only" & VbCrLf & VbCrLf _
& "Press Cancel to Quit the Script" & VbCrLf & VbCrLf, "Hyper-V VM Status")

''If User Clicks Cancel or Closes Window Script Quits
if strOption = vbEmpty then
msgbox "User Cancelled Script. Quitting Now" , vbExclamation + vbOkOnly , "Hyper-V VM Status"
end if

''Query Hyper-V Server for All Virtual Systems, Which Includes Hyper-V Server)
set VMList = WMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Msvm_ComputerSystem")

''Start Status of Virtual Systems Message
strStatus = "Current Virtual Machine Status:" & VbCrLf & VbCrLf

''Loop Through All VMs and Add System Name and Current State to Status
''Excluding Hyper-V Server by Checking for Non Matching ElementName and Name
for each VM in VMList

if VM.ElementName <> VM.Name then

select case VM.EnabledState

case 0
strVMState = "unknown"
case 2
strVMState = "running"
case 3
strVMState = "powered off"
case 32768
strVMState = "paused"
case 32770
strVMState = "starting"
case 32773
strVMState = "saving"
case 32774
strVMState = "stopping"
case 32776
strVMState = "pausing"
case 32777
strVMState = "resuming"
case else
strVMState = "don't know"
end select

''Check Length of Virtual System Name for Status Report Formatting
if Len(VM.ElementName) <= 6 then
strStatus = strStatus & VM.ElementName & vbtab & vbtab & vbtab & strVMState & VbCrLf
strStatus = strStatus & VM.ElementName & vbtab & vbtab & strVMState & VbCrLf
end if

end if


''Remove Extra Spaces and Lowercase Option Choice
strOption = Lcase(Trim(strOption))

''If Option is Start or Stop then Prompt for System Name
if strOption = "start" OR strOption = "stop" then

strStatus = strStatus & VbCrLf & VbCrLf & "Type in the Name of the VM to " & Ucase(strOption)

''Inputbox for VM System Name

strVMSystem = inputbox(strStatus, "Hyper-V VM Status")

''If User Clicks Cancel or Close Script Quits
if strVMSystem = vbEmpty then
msgbox "User Cancelled Script. Quitting Now" , vbExclamation + vbOkOnly , "Hyper-V VM Status"
end if

''Remove Extra Spaces and Lowercase VM System Name
strVMSystem = Lcase(Trim(strVMSystem))

''Start Option Uses the RequestStateChange Method with 2 (Start Up)
if strOption = "start" then
set VMStartList = WMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Msvm_ComputerSystem WHERE ElementName='" & strVMSystem & "'")

''Stop Option Uses InitiateShutdown Method Which is a Clean Shutdown
elseif strOption = "stop" then
set VMStopList = WMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Msvm_ComputerSystem WHERE ElementName='" & strVMSystem & "'")
vmGUID = VMStopList.ItemIndex(0).Name
set VMShutdown = WMIService.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Msvm_ShutdownComponent WHERE SystemName='" & vmGUID & "'")
varResult = VMShutdown.ItemIndex(0).InitiateShutdown(True,"Shutdown")
end if

''Informs User of Command Status and on Error Quits Script
if Err.Number = 0 then
msgbox UCase(strOption) & " Command Successfully Sent" , vbOkOnly , "Hyper-V VM Status"
msgbox "Problem Sending Command for " & strVMSystem & ". Please Try Script Again" , vbExclamation + vbOkOnly , "Hyper-V VM Status"
end if

''Status Option Reports Only Status of Systems
elseif strOption = "status" then
''Variable to Check If User Clicks Cancel or Closes Window
varStat = msgbox(strStatus, vbOKCancel , "Hyper-V VM Status")

''If Cancel or Close Quits Script

if varStat = vbCancel then
msgbox "User Cancelled Script. Quitting Now" , vbExclamation + vbOkOnly , "Hyper-V VM Status"
end if

''Error Checking for Non Option Typed In
msgbox "You Didn't Type Start, Stop, or Status. Quitting Now" , vbExclamation + vbOkOnly , "Hyper-V VM Status"
end if


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