Monday, May 3, 2010

DHCP Reservations via PowerShell and Exported .CSV Leases File

Ran into an issue with having to transfer DHCP reservations from one stand alone Windows 2008 server to a Windows 2008 R2 server. When I tried the export and import netsh commands they failed. Not wanting to manually create the whole class C worth of reservations again I came up with this more efficient method.

Basically, here are the steps: log onto the old DHCP server and export the current leases to a .csv file. Copy that file over to the new DHCP server. Place the PowerShell script (code listed below) into the same directory as the .csv file. Then run the script and watch the happiness.

Found the idea for the Add-Content part via another site. PowerShell is such a interesting creature.

#-------------Code from dhcpRes.ps1-----------------------------------------------------------

# IP Address of the Current DHCP Server Running the Script
$server = ""

# The Scope IP Address
$scope = ""

# Netsh Commands File
$commands = "dhcp.txt"

# Exported .CSV File of DHCP Leases from Other DHCP Server
$leases = import-csv "dhcp.csv"

$leases | % {
add-content -path $commands -value "dhcp server $server scope $scope add reservedip $($_.'Client IP Address') $($_.'Unique ID') `"$($_.'Unique ID')`""

netsh exec $commands

#End of Code

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